Advice, Inspiration

Anxious? Upset? Angry? Relational Circuits and how to get them back on

I continue to be impressed with Karl Lehman's book, Outsmarting Yourself, Catching Your Past Invading the Present and What to Do About It.  Karl is the psychiatrist in Chicago who developed the Immanuel method which we use to connect with God and process pain. According to Karl, there is specific circuitry in the brain that is… Continue reading Anxious? Upset? Angry? Relational Circuits and how to get them back on

Inspiration, Uncategorized

Only Grace and Mercy

Recently, while praying, God told me, There is no justice on earth, only grace and mercy.   Then he gave me this picture: I am a small child standing at the register of a tiny old-fashioned store. There is only one register; I am standing in front of it, the door on my right. A… Continue reading Only Grace and Mercy


Lessons from the Life Model

It is a simple exercise, you simply say, “Lord, help me to perceive you,” then when you see where he is, and make that connection, say, “Lord, help me to perceive you more clearly.” ( Quiet yourself and enjoy being with him. After all, Jesus is always with us, even if we do not believe… Continue reading Lessons from the Life Model